After getting the Admin Command Activation Pass, you can access admin commands simply by typing:cmds in the in-game chat box. There are some cool commands in ROBLOX. Currently, you can use 200 ROBLOX commands including custom commands, batch commands, anti-exploit commands, and bans.
Free Roblox Admin Download
Apr 9th, 2017
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Free Admin Commands Roblox Download
- btools(Editing Tools):btools (me)
- Ungodmode:Ungodmode (me)
- Sword:sword (me)
- Disco(Flashing Lights):disco
- Send Shoutout:m (MESSAGE)
- Respawn:Respawn (me)
- Stun someone:Stun (me)
- Make player jump:jump(me)
- Invisible:invisible (me)
- Explode someone:explode (me)
- Set someone on fire:fire (me) (number 1)(color 1)(Color 2)
- Smoke someone:smoke (me)
- Particle someone:particla (me)
- Punish someone:punish (me)
- Freeze someone:Freeze (me)
- Heal someone:Heal (me)
- Change Ambient:ambient {(number 1)(number 2) (number 3)}
- Change Time:Time (number 1)
- Change Fog Color:fogcolor {(number 1)(number 2) (number 3)}
- Fog start level:Fogstart (number 1)
- Hurt someone:Damage (me)
- Set someones Gravity level:setgrav (me) (number 1)
- Change health level:health (me) (number 1)
- Change Name:Name (me) (name)
- Change Teams:team (me) (team name 1)
- Teleport you to someone:tp(me)(another user)
- Change a stat:change (me)(stat 1)(number 1)
- Turn someone to a zombie:infect (me)
- Strobe light someone:flashify (me)
- Turn someone to a ghost:ghostify (me)
- Turn someone shiny:shiny (me)
- Turn someone stoned basically:trippy (me)
- Strobe someones screen:strobe (me)
- blind someone:blind (me)
- Fix screen 100%:guifix (me)
- give someone a seizure:seizure (me)
- Lock someone:lock (me)
- remove limbs:removelimbs (me)
- unjail someone:unjail (me)
- fly(TIP,Hit E to fly and unfly after using command):fly (me)
- noclip(can go through walls, objects and cant be killed):noclip (me)
- Send a private message:pm(me)(message 1)
- Turn someone normal from dog:Undog (me)
- Turn someone normal from Creeper:uncreeper (me)
- Teleport you and (a) friend(s) to a different game:Teleport (me) (game ID)
- Change someones charecter to someone esle's charecter:char (me) (user ID)
- Give hint:h (message)
- Show's someones rank in a certain group you choose:rank (me)(Group ID)
- Give someone a bighead:bighead (me)
- insert a model:ins (model ID)
- Show admins:admins
- Show music list:musiclist
- Give someone a cape:cape (me)(color 1)
- Enable health regen:loopheal (me)
- Give someone a hat:hat (me)(hat ID)
- Unloopfling:unloopfling(me)
- Dragon Ball Power:gear (me) 98411393
- Dark Sword:gear (me) 86494893
- Cape Thing:Gear (me) 94794833
- Skeleton Cage:Gear (me) 63253707
- Gernade:Gear (me) 88885497
- Ninja thing:Gear (me) 47597835
- tnt:Gear (me) 12902404
- Air Sweeper:Gear (me) 127506257
- Invisible Staff:Gear (me) 11373617
- Ice Bird:Gear (me) 101078559
- Flip Out:Gear (me) 110789105
- Zombie Staff:gear me 26421972
- Spartan Sword:Gear (me) 20721924
- Taco(Great song too):Gear (me) 15177716
- Paintball gun red:Gear (me) 26014536
- Paintball gun pink:Gear (me) 30649735
- Dance Potion:Gear (me) 27858062
- Boomerang:Gear (me) 18479357
- Katana:Gear (me) 11453385
- Bucket:Gear (me) 25162389
- Bloxy Cola:Gear (me) 10472779
- Skateboard:Gear (me) 27902388
- Police Baton(OP):Gear (me) 11956382
- Cake:Gear (me) 16214845
- Teddy Bear(When you need lovein):Gear (me) 16214845
- Ninja Sai:Gear (me) 51346336
- Stone Hammer:Gear (me) 13207169
- Stone Skin:Gear (me) 11450664
- Elegant Blade:Gear (me) 15470359
- Turkey Leg:Gear (me) 13745494
- Grapple Hook(Glitchy):Gear (me) 30393548 110337853
- Blow Dryer(Blowed me away):Gear (me) 11719016
- Random Items Bag:Gear (me) 34398653
- Bronze Kopesh(Sword):Gear (me) 18481407
- Grow:Gear (me) 72713855
- Mummy Friend:Gear (me) 16987194
- Remote Control Monster Truck:Gear (me) 52180871
- Elven Dagger:Gear (me) 22788134
- Tambourine:Gear (me) 21392417
- Bugle:Gear (me) 33683368
- CheezBurger(Yes that is how it's spelled):Gear (me) 16726030
- ROBLOX Skateboard:Gear (me) 27902303
- Moonwalk Potion:Gear (me) 32353654
- INstant Kill Frying Pan:Gear (me) 24346755
- Ninja Star:Gear (me) 11377306
- Ninja Star 2:Gear (me) 11115851
- Laser Gun:Gear (me) 14516975
- Ronin Katana:Gear (me) 12187348
- Kodashi:Gear (me) 51346471
- Freeze Gun(Its hella Dope):Gear (me) 42845853
- Rocket Launcher:Gear (me) 32356064
- Frost Rifle:Gear (me) 26013203
- Wind Staff:Gear (me) 18462637
- Lightsaber:Gear (me) 44561450
- Scythe:Gear (me) 50938765
- ROBLOX Guitar:Gear (me) 14492601
- Remote Mine:Gear (me) 33383241
- Minions Of Darkness:Gear (me) 95354259
- Sword And Shield:Gear (me) 96669943
- Pink Sword:Gear (me) 106064277
- Rocks:Gear (me) 91360081
- Tron Bike:gear (me) 130113061
- MLG Bomb:gear me 107458461
- Phone:Gear (me) 99254241
- Zombie Bomb:gear (me) 93536827
- Laser Fingers:Gear (me) 115377964
- Dubstep Boombox:gear (me) 84417281
- Tri-Bow:Gear (me) 130112971
- Host:Char (me) 62785293
- Orange Man:char (me) 81
- Monkey Girl Thing:char (me) 66662418
- Masterflame11:char (me) 45537891
- mrcookies12345:char (me) 79071598
- New Character:char (me) 5834658734925
- Sandman Rap Beat:music 491030504
- Its Raining Tacos (people asked me to put this on):music 251738363
- Panda:music 401059459
- Creepyish Music:Music Wind
- WATERMELON!:music 335584819
- We Are Number One:music 569707122
- We Are Number One UH:music 571839980
- PewDiePie:music 200896815
- Allah Akbar!:music 262644922
- idk:music 439352475
- UnderTale:music 382158415
- Oops i farted (What The Actual Fuck):music 130798484
- Cool Combo's!:
- Blizzard= :Gear (me) 19704064 + :Gear (me) 127506257
- Table Mortar= :Gear (me) 110789105 + :Gear (me) 19704064
- Epic Battle Of History= :gear me 26421972 + :Gear (me) 95354259
- Become Fucking Op As Hell= :Gear (me) 19704064 + :Gear (me) 127506257 + :Gear (me) 128160832 + :Gear (me) 28277486 + :gear (me) 26421972 + :gear (me) 98411393
- Masterflame11's Set(Your Welcome Flame)= :gear me 93136746 + :Gear (me) 33383241 + :gear (me) 98411393 + :gear (me) 93536827
- Be Giantwas
- Spawn In Heads:Bighead You Or Someone Else, Then USe The 'Resize Btool' And You Can Change How Big You Head Is And Make Copys.
- Become a Mech: Remove hats (+), Use shiny command (:shiny (me)), Then Use grow Potion (:Gear (me) 72713855), Punish Yourself (:Punish (me)), Fly (:Fly (me)), Unpunish (:unpunish (me)), Then Dog Yourself (:Dog (me)).
- Stretch Bodies: Unlock all (:unlock (all)), get btools (:Btools (me))
- 666: 175404972
- Lock server:serverlock
- System message:sm (message)
- Crash's a users PC and/or device:crash (me)
- Unadmin someone:unadmin (me)
- Constantly kills someone:loopkill (me)
- Show all past used commands:logs
- Turn someone into a kettle:char me 13 11
- Makes all NPC's follow someone !bot follow (me)
- Gain someone's information: Info (me)
- Open roblox game servers scripts !Open scripts (me)
- Version 0.7